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computeColor(int, int, BufferedImage) - Static method in class me.roan.fringeremover.Worker
Computes the new color of the pixel at the given coordinates given the current image color data.


done() - Method in interface me.roan.fringeremover.Worker.ProgressListener
Called when all files have finished processing.


error(Path, String) - Method in interface me.roan.fringeremover.Worker.ProgressListener
Called when some error occurred.


files - Static variable in class me.roan.fringeremover.Worker
List of files to process.


inputDir - Static variable in class me.roan.fringeremover.Worker
Input directory.
isRunning() - Static method in class me.roan.fringeremover.Worker
Checks if the worker is currently running and processing files.


Main - Class in me.roan.fringeremover
Program used to alter the color of fully transparent pixels to improve the result of OpenGL image rendering.
Main() - Constructor for class me.roan.fringeremover.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class me.roan.fringeremover.Main
Starts the program and shows the GUI.
me.roan.fringeremover - package me.roan.fringeremover


outputDir - Static variable in class me.roan.fringeremover.Worker
Output directory or file.
overwrite - Static variable in class me.roan.fringeremover.Worker
Whether to overwrite existing files.


PNG_EXTENSION - Static variable in class me.roan.fringeremover.Main
File chooser extension filter that allows only PNG files.
PNG_PATTERN - Static variable in class me.roan.fringeremover.Worker
Path filter that only matches PNG files.
prepare(Path, Path, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class me.roan.fringeremover.Worker
Prepares all the files to process based on the given input.
processFile(Path) - Static method in class me.roan.fringeremover.Worker
Processes the given file.
processImage(BufferedImage, File) - Static method in class me.roan.fringeremover.Worker
Processes the given image and writes it to the given file.
progress(int) - Method in interface me.roan.fringeremover.Worker.ProgressListener
Called when a file has finished processing.


running - Static variable in class me.roan.fringeremover.Worker
Whether working threads are currently processing files.


setRunning(boolean) - Static method in class me.roan.fringeremover.Worker
Sets whether the working is currently processing files.
start(int, Worker.ProgressListener) - Static method in class me.roan.fringeremover.Worker
Starts the worker with the give number of concurrent threads and listener to report progress updates to.


Worker - Class in me.roan.fringeremover
Worker class responsible for processing all the files.
Worker() - Constructor for class me.roan.fringeremover.Worker
Worker.ProgressListener - Interface in me.roan.fringeremover
Listener that subscribes to worker progress events.
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